November 11th has many meanings. To most it is a day to celebrate our veterans, to remember the ones we have lost and to thank the ones who served our country to protect our freedom. That in itself makes Nov. 11th a great day.
But to me November 11th will best be remembered for the birth of my beautiful daughter Leslie Ellen on November 11, 1982. Leslie you are a wonderful daughter, a beauty, a delight, a treasure to love. You are kind, loving, caring, generous, funny and amazing. Thank you for being my daughter. May you celebrate many many more decades of birthdays.
The newest celebration for November 11 is the baptism of my first and my beautiful grandson Kai Robert Bratton. You are a delight to everyone. Jason and Susan thank you for giving us this wonderful baby.
I love all of you...Jason and Leslie, Susan and Kevin and now little Kai.